Docktor Boat

Boat Management

Boat Detailing

Our boat management specialists have thousands of hours working with amazing clients, detailing their boats and yachts to improve their entire boating experience.

Boat Detailing, Painting, Cleaning & Waxing


Full Service Boat Detailing, From Hull cleaning to polishing of stainless steel, teak cleaning, & staining


Bottom Painting, Barrier Coating, Upholstery, Custom Upgrades, Lettering, Fiberglass, Varnishing Servicing

Cleaning &

Weekly & Bi-Weekly Washing, Compounding, Hand Waxing, professional Interior/Exterior Cleaning

Boat Detailing

Showroom Finish
Details Matter

Your Boat Requires Personal Care

The Boat Docktor takes the time to clean your boats interior and exterior to provide the best shine possible. We will remove dirt, mold, rust, and any other contaminants – our hand washing, waxing, buffing, and finishing services will get to the bottom of all your boating concerns.

Overtime untreated boats Deteriorate

Boats are subjected to harsh conditions that, over time, dull fiberglass, dim the shine of metals and fade paint. When improperly stored during the winter season, boats are exposed, and this can cause deterioration of the overall boat condition.

Customizations, Restorations & Upgrades

Having a boat specialist with qualified experience will offer your boat just the care it needs. We provide Structural Repairs, Electrical, and Cosmetic to improve your overall boating experience
Premium Boat Management Service

Your boat is a major investment, and proper care is essential in preserving the exposed services and the value of your vessel. The sun, salt water, and other elements can take a toll on fiberglass, gel coat, metal and vinyl boat surfaces. Our team understands each boat has different needs, and we are here to accommodate you by offering personalized boat care that fits your needs.

Mobile Boat Management

Our Mobile Boat Management Service offers you the convenience you have been looking for.

If you are preparing to launch for the summer with professional detailing, or preparing for the winter with boat winterization, boat shrink wrapping, or boat storage, contact The Boat Docktor.